În București are loc duminică un „protest masiv pentru libertate şi democraţie” organizat de AUR împotriva deciziei abuzive a „regimului condus de Klaus Iohannis” de a anula alegerile prezidenţiale. Manifestația este autorizată și va începe…
This news article reports on a large protest organized by the AUR party in Bucharest, Romania.
The main conceptual idea is: Thousands of AUR supporters are protesting against the result of the presidential election first round, demanding a rerun of the second round and the resignation of President Klaus Iohannis.
The protest commenced in Piața Universității and involved a march towards Piața Victoriei, where participants planned to demonstrate in front of the Government building.
This news article reports on a large protest organized by the AUR party in Bucharest, Romania. The main conceptual idea is: Thousands of AUR supporters are protesting against the result of the presidential election first round, demanding a rerun of the second round and the resignation of President Klaus Iohannis. The protest commenced in Piața Universității and involved a march towards Piața Victoriei, where participants planned to demonstrate in front of the Government building.